The Thomas Nelson Chapter National Society Daughters of the American Revolution (NSDAR or DAR) is composed of proud descendants of those who aided in the fight for independence in the American Revolutionary War.
We believe in patriotic, historic, and educational ideals as embodied in our motto, "God, Home, and Country."​​
DAR objectives
To perpetuate the memory and spirit of the men and women who achieved American independence by the acquisition and protection of historical spots and the erection of monuments; by the encouragement of historical research in relation to the American Revolutionary War; by the preservation of documents and relics; and by the promotion of celebrations of all patriotic anniversaries;​
To promote, as an object of primary importance, institutions for the general diffusion of knowledge, thus developing an enlightened public opinion, and affording to young and old such advantages which will enable them to perform the duties of American citizens; and​
To cherish, maintain, and extend the institutions of American freedom; to foster true patriotism and love of country; and to aid in securing for mankind all the blessings of liberty.
How the Thomas Nelson Chapter, NSDAR, supports its community
Chapter programs support the national objectives of history, education, and patriotism by:
participating in naturalization ceremonies and handing out flags to new citizens;
creating displays at local libraries to observe and promote Constitution Week;
instructing the public in the correct flag etiquette by handing out flag code leaflets;
protecting natural resources through education and conservation efforts;
and supporting local literacy programs, veteran hospitals, and DAR schools by volunteering and raising funds.
What is the Americanism Committee and what do they do?
Mary Campbell Simons, Chapter Chair
The Americanism Committee oversees the approval process for the DAR Medal of Honor and the DAR Americanism Medal and encourages DAR members to become involved in their local naturalization process and assist new immigrants with citizenship.
The naturalization process is one way to be involved in this committee. Our chapter can participate in naturalization ceremonies, volunteer at our local Immigration and Naturalization Office, or volunteer to help with local citizenship classes and the American History and U.S. Government exams. Stay tuned for more information on opportunities to help out at a naturalization ceremony.
The DAR Manual for Citizenship, which was compiled originally in 1920 for the National Society by Mrs. George Maynard Minor, President General, was modeled upon the Guide to the United States for Immigrants published prior to 1920 by the Connecticut Daughters and their State organization for their pioneering work done to assist prospective United States citizens.
Over 12,000,000 copies of the DAR Manual for Citizenship have been supplied through DAR chapters. This book has been a great resource for candidates of U.S. Citizenship or those interested in U.S. History. The DAR Manual for Citizenship has recently undergone a major revision by the INS. It is accessible through the DAR members website, click on committees and then Americanism.
Chapter members encourage:
good citizenship;
service to God, Home, and Country;
respect for the Flag of the United States of America;
respect for the history and government of the United States of America;
and respect for oneself by participating in educational activities.
The chapter recognizes local senior high students who excel in qualities of dependability, service, leadership, and patriotism and award these students with the DAR Youth Citizenship Medal. The chapter honors elementary and middle school outstanding students with awards for excellence in American history and good citizenship.