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The Thomas Nelson Chapter, NSDAR remains active in the Northern Virginia community through historical preservation, philanthropy and service. Here you will find the most recent news, blogs and member stories from the chapter.

DAR joint chapters Wallis grave marking 4-30-22 Nancy Hill, Margie Perry-Morris, Maura She

Arlington DAR Grave Marking Ceremony

On April 30, the Thomas Nelson Chapter, National Society Daughters of the Revolution dedicated an official memorial insignia to Ellen Isham Schutt Wallis. Wallis served as the Organizing Regent of the Francis Wallis Chapter, NSDAR, the first DAR chapter organized in Arlington, VA. She brought the DAR to Arlington in 1921.

Ellen Wallis was born in Arlington in 1900. She worked as a scientific illustrator for the United
States Department of Agriculture from 1907 to 1917. The grave marking ceremony takes place at Columbia Gardens Cemetery.

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TNC Honored with State Awards

The Thomas Nelson Chapter, NSDAR, is proud to accept the following rewards from the Virginia DAR based on members’ achievements in the last year:

  • American Indian Service Project, Honorable Mention

  • Highest Chapter Achievement Score, 3rd Place (Chapters less than or equal to 60 members)

  • Excellence in Chapter Newsletter


Thank you to the members who made these awards possible.

Vietnam War Vets Day proclamation 2021 g

TNC Remembers Local Vietnam Vets

On March 29, Thomas Nelson, Arlington House, and Pentagon Chapters of the Virginia Daughters of the American Revolution joined Arlington County in issuing a National Vietnam War Veterans Day proclamation “to encourage our residents to remember and commemorate our Vietnam Veterans and the great sacrifices they made in serving our nation. ”Fifty-four Arlington County residents were among the 47,434 service members who paid the ultimate sacrifice.


Pictured (l to r) are Virginia DAR District V Director Sharla Rausch, Arlington House Chapter Regent Nancy Weinberg, Thomas Nelson Chapter Regent Daun Frankland, Arlington County Board Chair Matt de Ferranti, and Pentagon Honorary Chapter Regent Nancy Hill.


TNC at VA State Conference

Virginia DAR’s 125th State Conference convened March 13 in Richmond. Virginia DAR, like National Society DAR and many chapters across the country, adapted seamlessly to a hybrid environment. About 683 Daughters tuned in virtually to the event including a handful of honored out-of-state Daughters.


The day-long event featured President General Denise VanBuren in Richmond along with our talented State Regent LeAnn Fetherolf Turbyfill. District 5 Director Sharla V. Rausch was also a familiar face representing the Northern Virginia Chapters. Thomas Nelson was represented by Chapter Regent Daun Frankland, First Vice Regent Mary Campbell Simons, Second Vice Regent Lisa Walters, and chapter Historian Maura Shelden. 


Mary did Thomas Nelson proud; as State Recording Secretary (2019-2022) for Virginia DAR, she had speaking roles and attended the event in person. She did a wonderful job and brought a professional patina to the event that shone a light on Thomas Nelson. “After such a long year it was refreshing to celebrate all the accomplishments of my fellow Daughters while representing my Thomas Nelson Chapter,” said our Regent Daun Frankland. The reports of the State Chairs showcasing what VA Daughters accomplished in 2020 can be viewed on the Virginia DAR member website.

NSDAR website  |  Virginia DAR website.

Thomas Nelson Chapter, NSDAR – Arlington, Virginia.  |  Last updated: May 5, 2022

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