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The Thomas Nelson Chapter National Society Daughters of the American Revolution (NSDAR or DAR) was organized on June 18, 1928. The organizing members chose the name Thomas Nelson as a tribute to a signer of the Declaration of Independence and Governor of Virginia.


Junior members from the Thomas Nelson Chapter, NSDAR, organized the Captain John Smith Chapter, NSDAR, on November 25, 1952, in Arlington, Virginia. The Organizing Regent, Mrs. Samuel P. Vanderslice, chose the name Captain John Smith.


On December 5, 1998, the National Board of Management approved the merger between the Thomas Nelson Chapter, NSDAR, and the Captain John Smith Chapter, NSDAR. A ceremony was held on December 12, 1998, merging the two chapters.

About Thomas Nelson, Jr. 

2014 CAR Grave Memorial_Thomas Nelson.JP

General Thomas Nelson, Jr., was one of the signers of the Declaration of Independence and a member of the Continental Congress. He was born December 26, 1738, at Yorktown, Virginia. He married Lucy Grymes on July 29, 1762, and they had eleven children. Thomas Nelson, Jr., died January 4, 1789, at "Offley," Hanover County, Virginia, and was buried in the cemetery of Grace Episcopal Church in Yorktown.


Thomas Nelson, Jr., entered Eton College in England when he was fourteen years old and subsequently graduated from Cambridge. He was an active member of the State Constitutional Convention and was elected Governor of Virginia in 1781. He commanded the Virginia Militia at the siege of Yorktown. According to family legend, General Nelson directed fire against his own house because he believed it served as headquarters of General Cornwallis. It was there on October 19, 1781, that General Cornwallis surrendered.


The following is the inscription on his tomb:

Gen. Thomas Nelson, Jr.
Patriot, Soldier, Christian Gentleman
Mover of the Resolution of May 15, 1776 in the
Virginia Convention, Instructing her Delegates in
Congress to move that body to Declare the Colonies
Free and Independent States.  Signer of the
Declaration of Independence, was Governor of
Virginia, Commander of Virginia Forces.
He gave all for Liberty.


Virginia has honored Thomas Nelson, Jr., by placing his statue with those of five other Patriots on the Washington Monument at the Virginia State Capitol in Richmond. Today we, the members of the Thomas Nelson Chapter, NSDAR, are honored to remember the strength of character and sense of patriotism of this special person.

Patriots & Spouses

To view the list of Patriots of the Thomas Nelson Chapter, NSDAR, and their spouses, click the button below.

Honorary Regents

The Thomas Nelson Chapter, NSDAR, has been blessed with strong leadership from our past regents. To view the list of honorary regents of the Thomas Nelson Chapter, NSDAR, click the button below.

Charter Members

To view the list of charter members of the Thomas Nelson Chapter, NSDAR, click the button below.


As a member of DAR, you can continue the legacy by preserving American history, promoting education, supporting our communities, and engaging in patriotic endeavors.

NSDAR website  |  Virginia DAR website.

Thomas Nelson Chapter, NSDAR – Arlington, Virginia.  |  Last updated: May 5, 2022

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